Monday, April 21, 2008

Medium Mondays

Watching my favourite show, Medium has become a bit of a multi tasking event. Blogging with one hand, drawing with the other and managing to be arrested in suspense at the edge of my chair, while I catch snippets of the thrilling plot!

Meanwhile, I laid eyes on a freakish villain of the tabloids today and felt compelled to etch his profile into the

it's Spencer Pratt!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Springtime Sunday morning

Me and Stephanie are off to see the Wizard of ....Flea markets in Brooklyn! A new one has opened in Greenpoint, so we're going to fossick for stamp collections, brass doorknobs, apple cider and miniatures!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Easy Target

It was almost impossible to ignore the illustration potential for this creep, Eliot Spitzer.
On side profile, he looks like the Wicked Witch of the West, and now he's melting!
I was intrigued by his stoic wife, doggedly standing by him. She looks bereft and exhausted, to the point where she doesn't care anymore. Certainly not about him anyway.

Monday, March 3, 2008

A meeting of the minds

Watching Barbara Walters tonight, on the Royal Family speacial was magnificent. A feast of giggles and gasps. The Queen duelling with TV royalty, Babs, was the most ceremonious spectacle since.....geez, Gene SImmons and Trump were pretty funny on the Apprentice, nope there was something better...Barbara Streisand and Oprah together last year! THAT was high art!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Finding the treasure in trash

Recently I've been working on a new set of images, based on the cool life and hot times of tabloid frequenters. Flipping though my subscriptions of Star magazine, many emotions are felt. I'm simultaneously amused and distressed. Amused because of the creative articles that accompany shots of celebrities walking through a car park, claiming they're on their way to jail or rehab. I'm distressed because there is almost too many goodies to choose from - who do I draw first?!
Oh, how cold and heartless I must be?

No. I do indeed feel some degree of empathetic heart ache for these beauties. But it's on such a deeply removed level from my conscious thoughts that I can't even muster a tear. No matter how many onions I chop, I am overcome by laughter.

I feel compelled to draw stars that are going through something universally true to all of us.... like appropriating Greek Mythology into useful data and information about contemporary life in New York.

Amongst all this garbling justification about why I love to draw celebrities, I suppose the best reason is that I have always had a fondness for dumpster diving and finding treasure amongst the trash.